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Título : The creation of textbook for teaching english oral expression subject of the english major at the Francisco Gavidia University
Autor : Díaz Escobar, Astrid Vanessa
Majano Rivera, Nora Esmeralda
Medrano Velis, Rocío Antonieta
Palabras clave : Idioma inglés - Enseñanza;Lengua inglesa - Gramática
Fecha de publicación : 2008
Resumen : The present thesis contains the advantages and benefits that the creation of a texbook for teaching the english oral expression subject provides the students as well as teachers at the Francisco Gavidia University.There are seven chapters: there area
URI (en mantenimiento) : http://hdl.handle.net/11592/7257
Aparece en las colecciones: Proyecto de investigación (fin de carrera)

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