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Título : Población y urbanización
Autor : Cerna, Fressia
Palabras clave : Population
Fecha de publicación : 2005
Editorial : UFG Editores
Resumen : In the year 2004, it was evoked the International Conference on Population and Development, made 10 years ago by ONU, we consider pertinent to explore the progress, specially in the proposals of urbanization. The secretary Annan manifested that if the population subjects are approached with decision, the ODM could be reached. At the beginning of the second half of century y XX, the migratory process from the field to the city had approximately generated an urban population of 40% in the region. To 1995, the urban population was calculated in approximately 70%. In developing countries including the Latín American region, most of this urban population lives in conditions of marginality. The national governments have not had the capacity to maintain the rate of growth of the urban services as the same speed as it is demanded.
URI (en mantenimiento) : http://hdl.handle.net/11592/8416
Aparece en las colecciones: Realidad y Reflexión, 15

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